10 Effective Real Estate Marketing Ideas for 2023

What Is Real Estate Marketing?


Real estate marketing is more than just demonstrating your ability to assist someone in buying or selling a home. With so many agents to choose from, your marketing should concentrate on selling you and your services.

A house can be sold by almost any Realtor. Why should anyone want to collaborate with you? Good real estate marketing is all about getting people to know you as a person and showing them what sets you apart from the competition.

What Are the Benefits of Real Estate Marketing?


According to a National Association of Realtors survey of agents, 89% use Facebook in their real estate marketing, and social media is the top tech tool for generating quality leads.

With more real estate agents on the market and fewer homes for sale, competition among agents has increased. Marketing your business allows you to reach a larger audience of potential customers while also uniquely telling your own story. People want to do business with people, not companies, in 2023, so marketing yourself and sharing who you are is essential.

10 real estate marketing ideas for 2023


1. Put A Chatbot On Your Real Estate Website.

Chatbots are an excellent way to interact with a potential client even when you are unavailable. Real estate chatbots, live answering services, triggered email responses, and even automated Facebook messages can all help you learn more about your customers.

You are a single person. However, with the right tools, you can function as a multi-person team. Chatbots and automated services are excellent options. Everyone who wants to contact you should be able to do so. They should be able to get a response at any time. Even if the response is generated digitally.


2. Start Marketing To “Unconventional” Buyers.

What do I mean by "unusual buyers"? More people than ever before are buying homes with friends these days. Families in the country are banding together in large super-groups to purchase large homesteads. Young professionals in the city are pooling their resources to buy a home.

This provides some excellent opportunities for a 2023 real estate marketing strategy. That is why people will need to revise their real estate marketing strategy.

Many agents are employed to market to the nuclear family. But this isn't the 1950s. More multi-generational homes, multi-family properties, and cooperatives will be built in 2023.


3. Create A Video Marketing Account.

If you've been putting off opening a video marketing account, now is the time.

You can begin by creating videos for each of your listings. This is a directly profitable method of online marketing; video will help you sell listings faster.

However, after that, you should focus your marketing efforts on brand awareness. The most engaging type of content is video. Talk to your local audience, keep them up to date on the market, and address their needs.

You'll get a sense of what content works best for you over time. Examine your metrics. See which videos have the most views, but also which have the most commitments. Your most popular videos may receive a lot of views, but not many serious buyers. There’s still value in that, but a well-rounded campaign needs both


4. Share Your Expertise with Local Magazines or Newspapers

Realtors must be a consistent and widely distributed source of hyper-local real estate information. We are inundated with information about rising home prices, what COVID has done to the markets and real estate, and other topics, but nearly all news outlets and their real estate coverage are not applicable at a hyper-local level due to their macro trend coverage.

Do the legwork of gathering real-time data on how your market is affecting your neighborhood right now and today, and share it with local magazines or newspapers regularly. You can then share those published articles on social media or highlight them by sending out regular real estate-related emails to your entire database.

You can also direct leads to a landing page with the most recent updates designed to collect their information. It just takes effort, but because you're providing what your customers and community are looking for, you should emerge as the go-to source of information in your area.


5. Social Media Marketing

Social media has evolved into an effective real estate marketing tool, with platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn providing unique opportunities to connect with potential clients. Consider the following tips to make the most of social media marketing:

  1. Post high-quality images and videos of your properties
  2. Share informative content related to real estates, such as market updates and home improvement tips
  3. Collaborate with influencers in your area to expand your reach.

You can engage with clients, showcase your expertise, and ultimately drive more real estate sales by effectively utilizing social media.


6. Run a Paid Ad Campaign

In 2023, PPC marketing is still a big business.

Advertising has existed since the first person approached another and offered them something for free. We all eventually realized that the best way to get people's attention was with a catchy slogan or an appealing image, but these days you don't even need those to catch consumers' attention! You can reach your ideal target audience with Google Adwords by specifying parameters such as location, keywords, and other variables. It only takes one click on your site for Google to serve ads relevant to what they were looking at!

Try targeting people in your exact location who are looking for things like "real estate + city", "buy house + area", or "properties for sale". These ads allow you to be more targeted and avoid wasting money by showing them to people who aren't interested.

Because you can target specific areas, demographics, and interests, Facebook is an exciting platform to consider for your real estate ads. Here's how to use Facebook Ads to increase your presence in your local community and increase exposure to your listings.


7. Create SEO-optimized websites to improve discoverability

As more real estate decisions are made online, reaching the right audience is becoming increasingly difficult. An SEO-optimized website has never been more important for agents or agencies looking to drive conversions and get discovered by the right customers. 

SEO optimizes your online content so that it appears on the first page of a search engine like Google, attracting people through organic search results. To ensure that your website ranks, you must focus heavily on creating content that includes keywords and links for terms that your target audience is searching for. 

However, in the cutthroat world of real estate marketing, this isn't always enough. Google also prioritizes websites that provide a great user experience and are mobile-optimized, so you'll need to make sure your site delivers on a variety of factors other than keywords to rank highly. 


8. Solicit testimonials

The most powerful real estate marketing you can share is a first-person account of a client's experience with you. Video is the most effective! Simply email your clients and ask if they would be willing to record a short testimonial about the real estate on their phone. They'll be more likely to help if you make it simple and show them how important it is to your company.


9. Update Your “Google My Business” Page.

Here's the deal with Google. It's no longer a search engine at all. It's a recommendation engine. A suggestion engine attempts to answer someone's questions rather than simply returning pages.

When people search for "agents near me," Google tries to return real estate-related businesses. As a result, the search engine will consult its version of the yellow pages (Google Business) to determine which local businesses are closed.

Maintain your Google My Business page, or you risk losing a potential customer to an entirely automated system, despite your best marketing efforts.

In addition to Google Business, you should ensure that all of your information on Facebook is up to date. Facebook Business Pages gain popularity not only through social media but also through SEO.


10. Team Up With Agents In Other States.

People will be moving a lot more in 2023. Many of them have remote jobs and want to relocate to more affordable areas. Some people have even gotten remote jobs that were only temporary; they now have to relocate to the job.

Prospects should be updated to reflect these trends. Collaborate with other agents to build a referral network. You may have a buyer who wants to relocate to Arizona, and they may have a buyer who wants to relocate to California. Referrals can be a great way to earn extra money today, and all you need is a good contact book.

There are numerous nationwide exchanges where you can sign up to deliver referrals. But

The best referrals remain personal, as you can speak with confidence as to the ability of the agent, and vice versa.




Because real estate marketing is becoming more competitive, firms must remain creative and produce more content than ever before.

It's never been easy to create high-quality materials for your listings, but it's a must if you want to attract potential buyers and establish a name for yourself in the real estate industry.

It doesn't have to be a chore. You and other real estate agents on your team can easily manage branding elements and create branded real estate promotional materials with Webeasty to win over clients and get more listings.