5 Explainer Video Styles to Boost your Business in 2023

5 Explainer Video Styles to Boost Your Business in 2023


What is an Explainer Video?

Brief marketing videos called "explainer videos" help in more clearly identifying a business's good, service, or even business concept. 

Increasing adoption and sales are the more frequent utilization of these movies. To promote their goods and services online, several businesses have begun to use explainer videos.


Why should your business use an Explainer video?

There are several reasons why businesses should consider using explainer videos as part of their marketing strategy. Here are a few key benefits:


Engaging and Attention-Grabbing: Explainer videos are highly effective in capturing and retaining viewer attention. They combine visuals, audio, and storytelling to create an engaging experience that holds viewers' interest and increases the likelihood of message retention.


Simplifying Complex Ideas: Explainer videos are particularly useful for conveying complex or abstract ideas in a concise and easily understandable manner. By using visual aids, animations, and clear explanations, businesses can break down intricate concepts, products, or services into simple and relatable terms.


Boosting Conversion Rates: When incorporated into landing pages, explainer videos have been shown to significantly increase conversion rates. They can effectively communicate the value proposition of a product or service, address customer pain points, and build trust, thereby encouraging visitors to take the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.


Enhancing Brand Awareness: Well-crafted explainer videos have the potential to go viral and be shared across various online platforms, helping to increase brand visibility and reach a wider audience. Additionally, by consistently incorporating your brand's visual elements, such as logo, colors, and tone of voice, into your videos, you can strengthen brand recognition and recall.


Improving SEO: Search engines value engaging and relevant multimedia content, and videos can contribute to improving your website's search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Including videos on your website can increase the time visitors spend on your pages, reduce bounce rates, and improve overall user engagement, which are all factors that search engines consider when ranking websites.


Mobile-Friendly and Shareable: Explainer videos are easily consumable on mobile devices, which is crucial in today's mobile-dominated landscape. They can be shared across social media platforms, reaching a wider audience and potentially generating more leads and conversions.


Explainer videos

Explainer videos have become a powerful tool for businesses to effectively communicate their products, services, or concepts. These videos combine engaging visuals, concise messaging, and storytelling to capture viewers' attention and deliver key information. In this article, we will explore five popular explainer video styles that your business can benefit from. Each style offers unique advantages and can be tailored to suit your brand and target audience. Let's dive in and discover the video styles that can take your business communication to the next level.


Whiteboard Animation Explainer Video

Whiteboard animation videos involve a hand-drawn illustration on a white background, with the visuals appearing to be created in real time. This style captivates viewers by simulating a live drawing experience, making complex ideas more accessible and memorable. The simplicity and engaging nature of whiteboard animation can effectively convey information, educate viewers, and simplify intricate concepts.


Benefits of Whiteboard Animation Explainer Video

One of the key benefits of whiteboard animation is its ability to hold viewers' attention. The dynamic visuals and the process of watching the illustrations being drawn create a sense of anticipation and curiosity. Whiteboard animation also allows for the seamless integration of text, icons, and graphics, enhancing the clarity of your message. Additionally, it provides a versatile and cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.

Motion Graphics Explainer Video

Enhancing Communication with Motion Graphics

Motion graphics combine graphic design elements, typography, and animation to create visually compelling videos. This style utilizes movement, transitions, and effects to engage viewers and deliver information in a visually appealing manner. Motion graphics videos are highly versatile and can be customized to reflect your brand identity and convey complex data or processes.


Advantages of Motion Graphics Explainer Video

Motion graphics videos offer several advantages for business communication. They enable you to present information in a visually stimulating and easily digestible format. With motion graphics, you can simplify complex data or concepts by visually representing them dynamically and engagingly. This style also allows for the seamless integration of branding elements, enhancing brand recognition and recall.

2D Animation Explainer Video

Unleashing Creativity with 2D Animation

2D animation is a classic and widely popular video style that uses flat, two-dimensional illustrations to create movement. This style offers a wide range of creative possibilities, allowing you to bring characters, products, or narratives to life. 2D animation videos can be customized to match your brand's aesthetics, evoke emotions, and deliver impactful storytelling.


Benefits of 2D Animation Explainer Video

One of the main benefits of 2D animation is its ability to evoke emotions and create a connection with viewers. The fluidity and expressiveness of 2D animation make it ideal for storytelling and capturing attention. Additionally, 2D animation offers flexibility in depicting various scenarios and characters, making it suitable for a wide range of industries and purposes.


Live Action Explainer Video

Adding Authenticity with Live Action

Live-action videos involve real people, settings, and objects, providing an authentic and relatable experience to viewers. This style is particularly effective for showcasing physical products, demonstrating real-life scenarios, or featuring testimonials. Live-action videos can create a personal connection with viewers and instill trust in your brand.


Advantages of Live Action Videos Explainer Video

Live-action videos offer the advantage of authenticity and human connection. By featuring real people and real environments, you can create a genuine and relatable experience for your audience. Live-action videos also allow for showcasing product features, demonstrating product usage, and capturing real-life testimonials, which can significantly influence purchasing decisions.


Screencast Explainer Video

Demonstrating with Screencast Videos

Screencast videos involve recording the screen of a device, typically accompanied by voice-over narration. This style is ideal for demonstrating software applications, explaining digital processes, or providing step-by-step tutorials. Screencast videos allow viewers to follow along visually while receiving clear instructions and guidance.


Benefits of Screencast Videos Explainer Video

Screencast videos provide an effective way to guide viewers through digital experiences. They allow for a clear demonstration of software functionalities, helping users understand how to navigate and utilize specific features. Screencast videos can simplify complex procedures, troubleshoot common issues, and empower users to make the most of digital tools or platforms.



Choosing the right explainer video style can significantly enhance your business communication and engage your target audience effectively. Whether you opt for whiteboard animation, motion graphics, 2D animation, live action, or screencast videos, each style offers unique benefits and creative possibilities. Consider your brand identity, the nature of your message, and your target audience's preferences when selecting the appropriate video style. Embrace the power of explainer videos to captivate, educate, and inspire your audience, ultimately driving your business's success.